Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Charles Barkley legally drunk after he was arrested on New Year’s Eve in Scottsdale, Arizona on suspicion of drunk driving.

former NBA star Charles Barkley is taking time off. Barkley, a studio analyst for the pre-game and half-time telecasts of TNT since the year 2000, is expected to take a leave of absence for a few weeks — exactly how long is still uncertain.This announcement was made in the wake of the release of police results that declared Barkley legally drunk after he was arrested on New Year’s Eve in Scottsdale, Arizona on suspicion of drunk driving.It is reported that Charles Barkley was stopped by a police officer for failing to correctly acknowledge a stop sign after leaving a popular night club. He failed field sobriety tests, and while it is said that he was cooperative at the scene, there were also reports that he initially refused to submit to a blood test.Even if the reported refusal on Barkley’s part had been true, this wouldn’t have taken him off the hook as even a suspect who passed field sobriety tests may be charged with a DUI if he does not submit to testing that is asked of him. According to the police, Charles Barkley’s blood alcohol level was at 0.149 which was significantly above the Arizona legal limit of 0.08.Barkley has already issued a statement expressing his apologies as well as his personal disappointment in having been caught in this predicament. This situation was actually played out all throughout America during the holidays – it certainly becomes a big issue when a celebrity is involved. This serves as another reminder about the importance of moderation in everything that we do, no matter what the occasion may be.

David Levy, president of Turner Records, has issued a statement still expressing support for Barkley.



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