Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Celebs in Trouble Over Unfairly “Plugging” Goods

MAARS News » Celebs in Trouble Over Unfairly “Plugging” Goods: "Celebrities under the scanner include that of Liz Hurley, Lily Allen and Peter Andre amongst others.

The “crackdown” of sorts has been ordered by the Office of Fair Trading, wherein Actors, pop stars and TV presenters who fail to mention that they have a financial interest in ‘plugging’ goods such as cars or perfumes online could be contacted by the Government’s consumer watchdog in the coming weeks and possibly face legal proceedings, the UK Daily Mail cited.

The incidents come to light after a PR Firm was allegedly found to be paying bloggers to glorify their clients last year.

Endorsements are big business in the US, but plugs must carry a notice saying that the message was paid for.

Thus, enforcement officers are ready to crack the whip and digging deep for such defaulters as they sight that it is a possible breach of the consumer protection laws laid down in the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008.

The first in the list of celebrities include Elizabeth Hurley who made close to ten references to Estee Lauder’s ‘divine’ skincare products while being the public face for the company for the past 17 years"



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